Monday, March 16, 2015

Chicken Boogers & House Wood

"Here at this table, I'm able to leave it behind.
Drink 'til I'm dreamin', a thousand miles out of my mind."
- Waylon Jennings, Drinkin' & Dreamin'

Mind of a Gamecock was founded on the belief that Gamecock fan was just a smidgen more less intelligent that your average college football fan (more or less); however, it has departed from its roots.  Therefore, I give you some good ol' fashioned MOAG for your Monday.  Today's topic is predictions for the 2015 season (in other year). Enjoy, and remember, don't forget to tell your friends.  Please don't forget to comment below if you have anything you'd like to say.  I publish everything.

- I predict that Pharoh and Deebo will be the two best WR in the country. I also predict that we will have 10 plus wins this year.

- Chris Lammons will lead the SEC in INTs

- We win the East and beat Clemson.

- The defense will rank in the top 5 in the SEC.

- We will win the East.  We will sweep the “big 4” clemmons, tenn, florida and uga

- UGA won’t have any players suspended for the first few games.

- Brandon Wilds will be one of the top 3 RB in the SEC.

- Assuming Wilds stays healthy, [we’ll have] two 1000 yard rushers. And Mitch (or whoever the QB may be) breaks Shaw’s consecutive completions record.

- 10-2. 3500 yard passer. Two 1000 yard rushers. Two 1000 yard receivers.

- 10-2. Mitch is dominant after a slow start.

- Connor Mitch leads us to 10+ wins and is all SEC.

- David Williams leads the league in rushing.

- We win the East again & demolish Tennessee this year.

- We’ll win 10 games, losing at TA&M and UGA, but will win all games at Willy B.  We will win the East thanks to Georgia losing 3 games it shouldn’t.

- Mitch will break Dylan’s single season passing record.  The defense will lead the conference in INTs.

- No losses in games where we hold double digit leads.

- UNC won’t score against us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Gamecocks are heading down a long and lonesome road.